Reinforcing Bars

Re-Steel stocks and supplies a full inventory of reinforcing bars that can be used for building construction where it is applicable and acceptable. Bars and components can be ordered with threading and coupling, ranging from #3 (3/8”) to #18. Please refer to our Conversion Table for a bar size designation. The current ACI (American Concrete

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Coated Bar

Over time, rebar that is exposed to deicing salts or marine environments can corrode. An epoxy coating protects reinforcing steel bars from corrosive conditions. Epoxy coated rebar is ideal for bridges, parking structures, pavement, marine structures, and repair work. Re-Steel’s epoxy coating facility, Corrosion Control, Inc. has the capacity to meet your needs. Strategically located

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Specialty Bars

Stainless Steel Re-Steel Supply Company is an approved fabricator of stainless steel rebar. We carry many different grades, types, and sizes. We also stock a large inventory of lengths up to 40-0 and can custom fabricate per your project needs. The use of stainless steel rebar in construction projects is growing rapidly due to its

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Wire Mesh

Re-Steel stocks and supplies a variety of black and epoxy coated Welded Wire Fabric (WWF) that can be used in building construction where it is applicable and acceptable. Our standard sheet size, 5’ x 10’, is always in stock and available for order. 8’ x 20’ and 8’ x 15’ sheet sizes and custom W/D Designations

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Re-Steel stocks and supplies a variety of bar supports that can be made of steel wire, plastic, or precast concrete. The Slab Bolster, Slab Bolster Upper, Continuous High Chair, and Continuous High Chair Upper are some of the most common bar supports that Re-Steel supplies. We also have many other bar support models available. Please

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